Welcome to the Holy Land

Where the walk of Faith brings History to Life with every step!

Journey to the Holy Land:

The History stretching from Jerusalem's Church Bells to the Shores of the Sea of Galilee and beyond...

The Holy Land, a region drenched in spiritual significance and historical allure, invites travelers on a journey through time, where every stone and wave tells a story of faith, hope, and wonder.

From the resounding chimes of Jerusalem’s church bells to the tranquil shores of the Sea of Galilee, the sacred narrative unfolds, captivating the hearts of pilgrims and wanderers alike, bells which after 2000 years are still bringing the faithful to their knees.


The Main Areas...



Jerusalem, a city revered by multiple faiths, stands as a testament to centuries of devotion and conflict. As dawn breaks over its ancient walls, the harmonious peal of church bells fills the air, weaving a timeless melody that transcends the ages. These bells, echoing from iconic landmarks like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, call to mind the enduring faith of millions who have journeyed to this sacred city.



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On the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee lies the Mount of Beatitudes, the traditional site of the Sermon on the Mount. Here, amidst the blooming wildflowers and olive groves, Jesus delivered one of his most enduring teachings, the Beatitudes. Standing on this hallowed ground, one can almost hear the echoes of his voice, offering blessings to the meek, the merciful, and the pure in heart.

The panoramic view from the mount is breathtaking, with the tranquil waters of the Sea of Galilee stretching out beneath a vast, open sky. This serene landscape serves as a perfect backdrop for contemplation and spiritual renewal, drawing countless pilgrims seeking to connect with the divine teachings that have shaped humanity’s moral compass.


Sea of Galilee

A few hours journey from Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee offers a serene contrast to the bustling city. This freshwater lake, nestled among rolling hills and quaint villages, is a place of reflection and inspiration. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore creates a peaceful ambiance, inviting visitors to contemplate the profound events that occurred here over two millennia ago.

Further along the shoreline, the town of Tabgha is celebrated as the site of the Miracle of the Multiplication of the Fishes and Loaves. In this picturesque locale, Jesus is said to have fed a multitude with just five loaves of bread and two fish, a powerful symbol of faith and providence. The Church of the Multiplication now stands here, its mosaic floors depicting the miracle and inviting visitors to reflect on the power of faith and the spirit of generosity.

The Adventure...

A preview of a few places you will visit...

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Church of the Apostles


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Church of Transfiguration

Mount Tabor

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Church of Beatitudes


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Baptismal Site

The Jordan River

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Fishes and Loaves

Sea of Galilee

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Nazareth Basilica

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Terra Sancta


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Holy Sepulchre Dome


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Mary's Well


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Sea of Galilee


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Wadi Qilt Monestary

Jordan Valley


Contact Us


ain Street , Cana of Galilee, IL

Open Hours

10:00 AM - 20:00 PM

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+972 53 737 0067

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